CINDY ALBON, LAc, DiplAc, MSOM, Licensed and Board Certified > 2016 Hillhurst Ave, Los Angeles CA 90027

Commit to Quit: How Acupuncture Can Help You Stop Smoking

Acupuncture and SmokingIf you’re reading this, then you’ve decided that it’s finally time to quit smoking. Congratulations! But as you may know, quitting isn’t always as easy as simply being determined. Sometimes people need a little extra help. If you’ve tried everything from patches to pills and nothing has worked for you, then there might be one more option for you to try – acupuncture.

The NADA protocol, developed by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, is a method of acupuncture treatment that has been extremely effective in treating addictions, according to Acupuncture Today.  It was established by Dr. Michael Smith in New York in the 1970s. Smith founded NADA soon after he discovered the link between acupuncture in the ear and successful treatment of addiction and addictive behaviors. Today’s NADA protocol consists of five needle insertions at five specific areas on a person’s outer ear. The needles remain in the ear from 30 to 45 minutes while you relax comfortably.

It takes 21 days to make or break a habit. The stop smoking acupuncture treatment is a series of six sessions – three the first week, two the second week, and one the third week. Acupuncture needles are replaced with acupressure seeds for at home treatment between sessions, to address cravings or stress as it arises.  Herbal formulas to offset stress and anxiety during the initial stage of quitting smoking are also incorporated as needed.

Successful NADA treatments help patients by giving them a more optimistic attitude about addiction recovery and a reduction in cravings, along with reduced anxiety and sleep disturbances. Patients who were battling addition and received the NADA protocol were also more likely to adhere to their recovery program, reported both patients and practitioners.

The acupuncture treatments offered here at WellStream Acupuncture include the NADA protocol, as well as treatments to address many ailments of the body, from physical pain to emotional and psychological well-being.

If you or a loved one is having a hard time getting healthy and quitting smoking, consider scheduling an appointment with WellStream Acupuncture to discuss your situation and learn more about the NADA protocol treatment. Don’t let cravings and anxiety get the best of you while you’re trying to quit. Stay committed to your New Year’s resolution with WellStream Acupuncture. Learn more today by calling 323-620-4934 or by emailing