Holistic Acupuncture for Facial, Cosmetic, Pain & Fertility in Studio City
Are you in search of a holistic acupuncture clinic in Studio City that can help you manage pain, increase fertility, or complete cosmetic rejuvenation? WellStream Acupuncture, run by acupuncturist Cindy Albon, can provide you with holistic acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbs that will promote good health and help you heal your body and mind. When you pay us a visit, WellStream Acupuncture will employ holistic acupuncture techniques to help with facial cosmetic revitalization, pain control and management, and fertility issues to help you feel your best.
Treat Physical Pain, Emotional, Psychological & Digestion Disorders with Acupuncture
There are quite a few people who go through life trying to manage physical pain on their own. Why do that when you can treat physical pain and emotional, psychological and digestive disorders with acupuncture? We can stimulate all of the acupoints located along your body’s energetic pathways and rebalance your vital energy – called your Qi – to help you rid yourself of the different ailments that are plaguing you.
Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncturist in Studio City
Are you unhappy with the way that your face looks? You could pay a fortune for Botox or plastic surgery, but for more effective results at just a fraction of the price, you should consider having facial rejuvenation done by a cosmetic acupuncturist in Studio City. By utilizing intra-dermal needles, we can deal with those pesky wrinkles on your face and make your skin look healthier than it has in years. You will look younger and better than ever before within just a few treatments, and you won’t have to undergo a lengthy healing process like you would with other solutions.
Fertility / Infertility Acupuncture in Studio City – h2 tag
There are millions of women all across the country who deal with fertility issues every year. WellStream Acupuncture can help you if you fall into this group by providing you with fertility acupuncture in Studio City. This type of acupuncture can rebalance your hormones and help you regulate your monthly cycle so that you can better predict exactly when you will ovulate to have the best possible results.
Acupuncture Oncology Services for Cancer Patients in Studio City
Going through cancer treatments isn’t easy. As a cancer survivor herself, Cindy Albon understands that all too well. It’s why we provide acupuncture oncology services for cancer patients in Studio City. By combining modern medicine with the acupuncture we can provide for you, you can promote healing within your body and deal with the effects on cancer treatments more efficiently.
Other Alternative / Holistic Natural Treatments & Remedies
All of the different treatment options listed here have proven to help our patients in the past, but we also offer other alternative and holistic natural treatments and remedies for other conditions and needs. These services include:
• Auriculotherapy (Ear Acupuncture)
• Electrostimulation
• Moxibustion (Moxa Therapy)
• Cupping Massage
• Aromatherapy
• Sound Therapy